Tyga’s memory must have faded because it seems he keeps forgetting to pay his landlords.
For the second time this month, the “Faded” singer is in hot water as a result of landlord drama.
According to documents obtained by TMZ, the rapper owes F&S Properties $186,275 after he left a shop space he rented from them — to house his Egypt Last Kings Clothing store — in ruins.
The proprietor earlier this year said he found the store deserted last June with the doors and ceilings painted either black or decorated with Egyptian symbols. The floor was also reportedly covered in ink and someone even poured the ink down the shop’s drains.
The landlord claimed he spent up to $75,000 to repair the shop, while Tyga said the shop was never up to code and blamed the landlord for its damaged condition.
The legal system in the end, sided with the landlord, and if Tyga doesn’t pay, he’ll end up in court — not unlike a situation he just got out of.
Just last week Tyga settled a similar dispute with another former landlord after failing to pay out a $480,000 judgment.
Tyga did pay up, but not before a warrant was issued for his arrest and healthy does of chiding from girlfriend Kylie Jenner’s famous family.
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