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Wednesday, 26 October 2016

You decide... Internet wonders: Is this a picture of Bill Murray or Tom Hanks?

It’s Bill Murray! It’s Tom Hanks! It’s both!

This brain-wrinkling photo of a mom, a crying baby and one of the most beloved aging comic actors in America has the interwebs scratching its head, blue-or-gold-dress-style.

Take a hard look: Is that Bill Murray — or Tom Hanks?

It’s tough to tell. According to the mom of the unhappy tot in the picture, the man mimicking the child is most definitely Bill Murray.

Now tell that to your eyes.

Mom Laura DiMichele-Ross originally posted the photo of her son on the golf course with the star to the Facebook page “Reasons My Son is Crying” — three years ago.

The photo has gone viral several times since then, but now the internet is convinced that the man in the photo isn’t Bill Murray, but Tom Hanks.
"I have noticed in the past year or so," DiMichele-Ross told the Daily News, "that most of the comments are about whether it's Tom or Bill. I have commented previously about the answer, but people don't seem convinced."

And the internet has a point. Murray’s crying face, at first glance, does look like “Sully” star Hanks.

Then, seemingly as you look, it morphs into Murray.

But wait! If you squint your eyes and tilt your head, it’s still Hanks.

We think.

Mom Laura even got mistaken for Tom Hanks' wife. "Someone claimed I was Rita Wilson, so it must be Tom. (I am most definitely not...)"
Tom or Bill ?

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